Nokia 7650

I own a Nokia 7650, and would heartily recommend it to anybody looking for a phone/PDA combo.

I recently got it to work with Linux. In fact, the Calendar and TODO list on this site are automatically synchronized with it.

I had to hack around quite a bit to get it all working (to make it sync with my COMPAQ Armada laptop over infrared/the object exchange protocol (OBEX)/VCAL and Jussi Karlgren's cool Calendar script, but it was worth it.

New! It's even better when you get it working with Bluetooth. I recently got it working with my new Dell D600. usb_hci, sdpd, hcid and obexserver do the trick. There's also a really cool project on that lets you control various programs under Linux with bluetooth and the 7650. New! I replaced my 7650 with a Siemens CX65, which is nice as a phone, but no 7650. I now use an iPAQ for all my organizational needs - which again, is nowhere close to the 7650 in terms of usability. In short, I miss my 7650.