Module Dirwatcher

module Dirwatcher: sig .. end
Watches directories for events. Agnostic to vsys semantics of backends and frontends

val wdmap : (Inotify.wd,
string *
(Inotify.wd -> string -> Inotify.type_event list -> string -> unit) option)
val fd : Unix.file_descr
val list_check : 'a list -> 'a -> bool
val pevlist : Inotify.type_event list -> unit
val handle_dir_event : string -> Inotify.type_event list -> string -> unit
val add_watch : string ->
Inotify.select_event list ->
(Inotify.wd -> string -> Inotify.type_event list -> string -> unit) -> unit
val asciiz : string -> string
val receive_event : Globals.fname_and_fd -> Globals.fname_and_fd -> unit
val initialize : unit -> unit